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Healthy Horse, Better Life!

Two horses grazing on a chilly, spring evening with mountains in the background.
A horse excited to recieve its serving of Equmn Horse supplement.

Ask yourself...


Does my horse have hoof issues?

Does my horse have Cresty Neck?

Could my horse be performing better?

Does my horse have unwanted fat deposits?

Am I and my horse dealing with their health issues?

Could I help my my horse by giving them a daily supplement?



If you have answered yes to any of these questions,

Equmn has helped many horses and their owners address these issues and live a better life!

What exactly is Equmn?

​Equmn is a daily nutritional supplement that provides essential nutrients, in a dry mix form, that may be missing in your horse's day to day diet.  Equmn includes whole foods, amino acids, and minerals. This unique combination seems to allow the metabolic processes of the horse's body to function in a way that helps them with their individual health issues and performance. Most see very positive and better health results rather quickly!

Once, they taste it, they'll come running for it!

A bowl with a scoop of Equmn horse supplement.

Here is some of what others have shared about Equmn.

Lanae, UT

Windy always takes care of me on our trail rides, no matter what is thrown our way.  She started struggling with laminitis, a cresty neck, and fat deposits. She became unrideable. I looked everywhere to help my horse and finally found Equmn. I have my ridding buddy back!

Thanks Equmn!

Peter, UT

Sage is one of my favorite horses, but laminitis and a cresty neck destroyed her usability. So when wearing a grazing muzzle or being stuck in a dirt paddock didn't help, and being put down wasn't a option, I came across Equmn. After giving Equmn a try, I started seeing immediate results! Thank you! Please know how grateful I am to have her health back again!

Not to mention how happy Sage is!

Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by any government agency. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual veterinarian advice. By using this website, the user agrees to the Terms of use and Privacy Policy provided on this website.

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